Innovative livestock weighing apps

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Mobile technology has evolved rapidly, offering innovative solutions to everyday problems. In the world of animal care, this technological evolution has resulted in the development of applications that make life easier for owners and professionals who work in the area. One of the most interesting and useful innovations are applications that allow you to weigh animals in a practical and efficient way using just your cell phone.

These apps are an excellent tool for monitoring animal health, allowing more accurate tracking of weight, which is a vital indicator of health. They are particularly useful in situations where traditional scales are not available or when a quick and hassle-free measurement is needed. Furthermore, they make it easier to record and monitor weight over time, helping to identify any health problems that may be related to changes in weight.

Applications Available on the Market

Currently, there are several applications available that promise to help pet owners with the weighing task using just their cell phone. These applications use different methods to estimate weight, from the use of augmented reality to image analysis techniques and user-entered data.


PetScale is a revolutionary app that uses your smartphone's camera to estimate your pet's weight. The user simply needs to take a photo of the animal on a flat surface and the app uses advanced algorithms to estimate the weight based on the animal's body size and shape. PetScale also allows you to track your pet's weight history, making it an indispensable tool for health monitoring.

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Another great advantage of PetScale is its database, which includes a wide range of animal types and breeds, which allows for a more accurate weight estimate. This app is a powerful tool for veterinarians and pet owners who need a quick and reliable solution for weighing animals.

WeightChecker for Pets

WeightChecker for Pets is another innovative app that makes it easy to weigh pets directly from your smartphone. The app works by inputting information about the animal's breed, height and length, and uses an algorithm to calculate the approximate weight. It's a useful tool for anyone who needs a quick estimate, especially in situations where a scale is not available.

This app also offers tracking functionality, allowing users to record and view their pet's weight progress over time. Additionally, WeightChecker for Pets offers health and nutrition tips, helping pet owners keep their pets in tip-top shape.

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Virtual Pet Weight

Virtual Pet Weight is an app that combines augmented reality with modeling techniques to provide an accurate weight estimate. By pointing the cell phone camera at the animal, the application superimposes a 3D model that adjusts the size to match that of the animal, providing a weight estimate based on this comparison.

Virtual Pet Weight users appreciate the app's ease of use and accuracy, which proves especially useful in multi-pet households. In addition to weighing, the app also offers educational resources that teach you about the ideal weight for different breeds and types of animals.

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ScalePet is an application that uses data entered by the user along with photos of the animal to calculate weight. After entering the breed and size of the animal, the user takes a photo of the animal on a flat surface and the app estimates the weight using its proprietary technology.

The app not only estimates weight, but also monitors changes in weight over time, providing detailed graphs that help you visualize your pet's progress. ScalePet is ideal for those looking for a complete tool to manage the health and weight of their pets.

QuickWeigh Pet App

QuickWeigh Pet App is known for its speed and simplicity. The app asks the user to place the animal in a specific position and take a photo. Using the photo and data entered, the application calculates the animal's weight. QuickWeigh is popular with pet owners who need a quick solution and don't require additional weight tracking functionality.

Features and Benefits

In addition to estimating weight, many of these apps offer additional functionality that can be extremely beneficial for animal care. From next weigh-in reminders to detailed weight history analyses, these tech tools are designed to make pet owners' lives easier and promote pet health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Are the apps accurate in estimating weight?
    • While apps offer a good estimate, they are no substitute for a professional scale, especially for medical or official uses.
  2. Are the apps easy to use?
    • Yes, most apps are designed to be intuitive and easy to use, even for those who are not very tech-savvy.
  3. Can I use these apps for any type of animal?
    • Most apps are made for dogs and cats, but some can be configured for other types of animals. Check the app specifications for more details.
  4. Is there any cost to use these apps?
    • Some apps are free, while others may offer premium functionality for a fee.
  5. How can I ensure that the photo taken is suitable for analysis?
    • Apps generally provide detailed instructions on how to take a suitable photo for analysis.


Apps for weighing animals using your cell phone are a valuable addition to the tools available to pet owners. They offer a convenient and effective way to monitor pets' weight, which is crucial for maintaining health and well-being. Although they do not replace professional weighing tools, they serve as an excellent complementary resource for daily animal care.


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Rodrigo Pereira
Rodrigo Pereira
Studying IT. I currently work as a writer on the luxmobiles blog. Creating diverse content relevant to you daily.
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